“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”

- E. E Cummings

Leadership starts by learning to lead yourself with vitality, joy, depth, and empowerment.

Everything else follows.

About You

You are a leader in title, but it doesn't always feel embodied for you. It's a role you play, a suit you wear, and sometimes you over-act it and feel out of alignment, and other times you shrink back from owning it.

It looks to you like your circumstances are often leading you; you can feel passive or reactive. You would like to set the direction, to feel more solid and grounded, but it feels risky to step forward in that way.

You may struggle to let go of habits, fears, roles, or relationships that no longer serve you. You stand still sometimes when all you want to do is progress. There is a desire to realize your potential, but it seems at odds with your desire for comfort and ease.

Some questions that might arise for you:

  • Why am I holding onto things for longer than I should?

  • Why do I feel inadequate when I know I am intelligent and capable?

  • Why do I fall into habits and patterns that limit my impact?

  • Why am I deferential? How can I take the lead more?

  • How can I trust myself?

  • How can I find a way to lead that feels authentic and aligned with who I know myself to be?

If you would like to explore how coaching might help you:

About Me

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” E. E. Cummings

I am a leader in my own life and in the lives of others.

It still feels edgy to make that statement, but I am living into the truth of it more and more.

For a long time, I believed I was weak. That thought held me back. It stopped me from rising up the ladder from sharing my opinions; it allowed me to avoid taking risks and stay in a career longer than I should have. I hadn't chosen to believe I was weak; it was unconscious for many years, but it colored my actions and inactions in many subtle ways.

I knew there was more to me than that thought. Could it be possible to see beyond it, to reframe it, to overcome it?

That’s the inner journey I have been on and the reason I became a coach. I am committed to realizing and expressing my potential, to lead myself to be the best I can be. I want to experience freedom, joy, and power. I want to recognize the leader that I am.  

Not an aggressive, competitive, controlling, type of leadership. That isn't for me. It's an authentic, grounded, embodied leadership. A quiet, subtle power that comes from being in command of oneself and being aligned with truth.

My purpose is to help others recognize the innate leader within themselves. To develop their ability to harness their intuition with intention so they can be guided by wisdom, not fear. To help leaders be grounded in what's real and true so they can make clear decisions. To assist professional men and women in realizing the inside-out nature of leadership and that outstanding leadership starts from a strong foundation of inner clarity, wisdom, and trust.

From that foundation, we begin your journey to building a life that inspires you to move forward, to take risks, and to reveal the incredible leader you are on the inside. Everything else follows.

Curious to learn more?