Experience Greater Capacity, More Ease, and Less Stress.

The Power of Understanding the Mechanics of the Human Experience

Understanding is the Key to Success.

When you watch a sad, stressful, or scary movie, it’s helpful to remember that a projector is operating behind the scenes. Remembering the mechanics at play reduces the intensity of the drama unfolding on the screen.

The same principle applies to the human experience. When we understand the mechanics that create our moment-to-moment experience and notice them in action, we create space between ourselves and our typical responses to life’s circumstances. When we remember our internal mechanics are creating our stress, tension, anger, or frustration, it’s like pressing a pause button on the movie. It’s in that space that our agency lies, our ability to choose how we want to respond to whatever work or life brings us at that moment.

Understanding and remembering the mechanics helps people quieten their minds, liberate themselves from their insecurities and stress, and feel more at ease. Clients see that the power lies within them, not in their circumstances. It’s a liberating and empowering experience.

What You Can Expect

The immersion will take you on a journey of insight and realization so you can see, through direct experience, the mechanics unfolding within you. Through a series of teachings, experiments, and reflection questions, you will be invited to step out of the movie theatre of your mind, step back from it all, and look at the mechanics.

When our mind sees and hears the truth, it tends to settle down, and it's from that quiet place where we can connect to our common sense and retain a broad perspective on whatever life brings us.

What Is Included?

  • A two-day intensive involving 8 hours of teaching you about the ‘Inside > Out’ understanding.

    • The intensive can be run over Zoom or in person in Dutchess County, New York.

    • There will be a one-hour pre-call to set you up for success.

  • Access to the recordings of your intensive so you can rewatch the program.

  • A copy of “Somebody Should Have Told Us” by Jack Pransky.

  • A copy of “Invisible Power” by Ken Manning, Robin Charbit, and Sandra Krott.

  • Links to video and audio resources to further deepen your understanding.

Who Is It For?

The program can be run for individuals and small groups. The key is that every participant is willing to go on the journey. If these questions resonate, then the program might be for you:

  • You are open and ready to see something new about life.

  • You are curious about why some people are stressed and insecure, and others seem to be more even keeled and have more capacity to get things done.

  • You want to experience more flow and ease and let go of the need to control and manage your circumstances.

  • You want to find a solid, grounded place within yourself that you can return to anytime.

  • You would like common sense, perspective, and clarity to guide your decisions and actions rather than fear, stress, and insecurity.

  • You are willing to engage fully in the teaching experience and prioritize the program in your life.


  • "Mel's Immersion Program was an offering that showed me, gently and cohesively, how our minds work. I'd never considered the freedom this knowledge would provide, but just in acknowledging the insights Mel guided me to, I realized regular moments of peace are not only possible, but what my mind is designed for. As a result, my reactions are more measured, and I am open minded in a way that I have not been previously."

    Brie White

"One could say

Personal power is

The amount of personal knowledge

One has of oneself.

The more you begin

To truly know yourself

The more control

You have over your life


Therefore the outside influences

Have less control over you"

Sydney Banks

Contact Me

If you would like to find out more about the program and see if this is a good fit for you, please contact me at melanie@therestorativecoach.com, and let’s find a time to connect.