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Meet Melanie….

I worked in the Insurance industry for over 20 years in various leadership positions. I have implemented many transformational business solutions and am an expert in organizational change, communications, and learning and development. I became a certified professional coach in 2020, accredited through the ICF, and founded The Restorative Coach in 2021 to serve my clients in the financial services industry.

A Little About Me and What Inspired Me To Become a Coach

I have always been curious, and having worked in the corporate world for so many years, I was intrigued by how stressed and insecure I found myself at times. Why was that? I knew I was intelligent, capable, and could master anything I put my mind to. But my insecurity was like a shield, a blanket that hindered my performance and limited my potential. I wondered if it was possible to overcome those insecurities. Is it possible to break the habit of worry and stress and experience more lightness and ease?

What I have uncovered has completely changed my life. I am not weighed down by stress and insecurity like I used to be. I know I have everything I need to respond to whatever life throws at me. I don’t worry like I used to, because it no longer makes sense. I have come to appreciate there is a deeper, more subtle flow to life, when you tune into it, and align with that flow, there is ease, grace, and an abundance of perspective and understanding. As a result, I trust myself in ways I never have before. I know that when the worst thing happens - I will be ok. It’s hard to put into words what a difference knowing that makes. It’s like navigating through the seas of life in a solid, sturdy ship, whereas before, it felt like I was on a dinghy, clinging on for dear life, fearing every wave that came.

It is now my mission to share what I know with those who are curious to hear it.

Life does not have to be a battle. Effort and stress are not required to be successful in life. You do not have to be at the whim of your moods or insecurities. You can create a fulfilling life and have the success you want if you are willing to let go of your old habits and beliefs that tell you otherwise. Mastering your mind and finding a deeper meaning in life is not for everyone. But if you know at some level that how you approach life isn’t helpful, if you suspect you are your own worst enemy, and you would like to find some liberation from yourself - then I would love to connect.

I feel very fortunate to do the work I do. It’s a life’s journey. One that will never end.

I know my reason for being is to help others find their path, to help them find relief from the things that weigh them down and hold them back.

Thanks for taking the time to read. If you see something here that resonates with you, I would love to hear from you.

With love and appreciation for wherever you are in your journey


A Little More About Melanie

Melanie is a professional coach, mentor, and trusted advisor. She prides herself on creating a safe and comfortable space for her clients to explore who they are and what they want out of their lives. She is right there with them as they apply their understanding and take those first steps toward creating a life that fulfills them.

A lifelong learner, Melanie is committed to investing in her continuing education and personal development. Not only a coach but a coachee. Not only a teacher but a student. Melanie will be the first to tell you she is not the expert; her gift is to draw out the expertise and wisdom of others.

Melanie lives in Dutchess County, New York, with her husband David and their 9lb bundle of Shih Tzu Poodle joy - Pickle!

Curious to learn more? You can connect with Melanie on Linked In and sign up for the The Restorative Coach newsletter. Better yet, get in touch, and let’s chat.