“This is a safe space to express yourself and to find growth as you travel a new path of awareness. I liken this to having the ruby slippers but not knowing how to use them. We need a guide to help us and I am beyond happy that I embraced this program as it has been truly valuable to me in my personal growth, plus I really looked forward to my sessions with Melanie and never wanted to miss them. I feel so much better afterward and I breathe easier. It is rejuvenating to go back to work and feel very clear-minded and not worried or blocked up.

Melanie’s coaching helped me find direction to make real changes and for that, I am truly grateful. I have found my voice and that’s priceless. I have learned to be my own advocate.”

Karen Donahue - NJ


“I felt trapped in an endless cycle of self-doubt, worry, and stress. These emotions were toxic, and as a result, I spent much of my time living with catabolic energy, which I realized had a compounding effect.  The more time I spent in a catabolic state, the worse it became.

Fast forward to today.

I find that I feel refreshed and unchained.  Anabolic energy feels incredible and drives potential.  I now have an increased capacity for many things.  My catabolic state was draining and zapped my ability, creativity, and potential.   I am moving away from apathy and anger towards peace, joy, and passion for my work.”

Anthony Juliano, FL


“I was feeling very lost at sea, professionally. I knew that I wanted to move on to something else, but I wasn’t sure what that next thing was. One of the best parts of this experience was having dedicated time to think through challenges and new ideas.

It’s about understanding myself and shifting how I react to events. There’s positivity around this way of thinking because I’m not worried about hitting a goal or anything. I like having stage posts, but I’m measuring growth against myself, which, to me, feels very empowering, particularly on this journey.”

Hildi Greenberg, NY


Mel really helped me with the mental blocks I was having. I now recognize when I am feeling stressed, anxious or insecure, that’s not the optimal time or mind frame for me to make decisions. It’s okay that I’m feeling that way and it will pass. Mel is a great listener and has the ability to reflect back on what I have shared in a very thoughtful way. She gave me room to agree or disagree with what she observed. She really shows up as a partner in her coaching approach.

Nancy John, Canada


“Working with Melanie was an incredible experience. I felt immediately connected to her. She helped shine a light on blocks in my thinking and then helped me navigate to thoughts that were more supportive of my goals. She supported my connection to my innate wisdom and intuition which created this great source of peace and purpose in my own life.” 

Diane D’Silva, Canada


“Mel has a true gift for coaching.  Her ability to listen and validate is tremendous.  Her insightful questions helped me to dig deep and move forward. Her strengths include her ability to hold space, a great sense of humor, and a keen ability to validate her client.”

Mara Heichman, IL


“Melanie has a special ability to be completely present so that you, as the client, feel deeply supported and heard.  She is an intuitive listener who is able to highlight nuanced insights while also maintaining the holistic view to provide perspective. After coaching with Melanie, I felt much more secure in my own footing, less at the whim of the energy around me, and more able to support myself through some tough moments with loved ones.”

Alyssa Heine, NY

“In working with Melanie—there, I said what I wanted to avoid saying: “working.”  Melanie’s coaching isn’t “work.”  It is being with her to find what you seek: be it a way to uncover and illuminate the things that keep you stuck or glued to ways of doing, or thinking, or of holding habits and attitudes you weren’t aware of.  With concern and support, Melanie nudges you to transform.  Through her guidance, Melanie helped me recognize how I could think of myself and my life a little differently, and that revealed a far greater inner strength than I was aware of.”

Carla Kuhn, NV


“Mel’s coaching helped me become more confident in making decisions in my career and relationships. Before working with Mel, I was very ridged in my thoughts about the world and my values and Mel helped me explore new ways of thinking. Mel has a natural skill to listen and intuitively describe my challenges better than I could. I felt very comfortable sharing parts of myself with her. After each call, I left feeling heard, validated, and seen. I would definitely work with Mel again.”

Lena-Marie Gilbert, NY