My Insights and Reflections on the Path to Becoming a Masterful Coach.
I started to write when I left my career in Insurance, in April 2021. I had never written before. These articles reflect my growth as a person and as a coach. I share my insights and realizations, as I continue to see past my old stories and beliefs about who and what I am. Beyond that narrative lies inspiration, possibility, freedom, and a chance to finally fulfill my potential. I hope you see something of yourself in them.

A Muddy Memory Brings a Fresh Perspective
So much of our adult life is colored by innocent associations our minds created and stored as children. We didn’t have the reasoning to process certain situations and so we have these deep rooted perceptions and beliefs that can hold us back from living a fulfilling, creative, productive life as an adult.
The other moral of this story is don’t look to your brother to pull you out of a muddy mess!

There is More to Life Than Meets the Eye
Relating to life as a journey of growth encourages us to look beyond what we see with our eyes. Beyond our physical reality lies peace of mind, trust, and confidence

A Powerful Realization - I Don’t Have to Accept My Default Settings
I had a kick up the ass this past week, and it not only woke me up, but it spurred me back into action. I finally found the way to override my insecure, passive tendencies and it has been a liberating experience.

Understanding Your Shadow
Our past can cast a shadow on our present, I discovered this week that all my shadow wants is understanding and acknowledgment.

What’s the Soundtrack to Your Life?
What is the soundtrack to your life? Our thinking creates our experience of life, in the same way, a musical score creates emotion in a movie. Recognizing that invites the possibility to create new music to underscore your life.